Chile to the final!

After winning against Peru (2-1) in a very interesting game, Chile move on to the final of the Copa America that will take place this Saturday at 17:30, where the players will be playing at the National Stadium.

We will play against Argentina in this match after they won against Paraguay with a crushing result by the “albicelestes” (6-1).

This is the first time in 28 years that Chile reach the final of this tournament.

I think this is a great opportunity to show the world that the Chilean people are brave and can do what all the world think we can´t.

The only think to expect now is to win the tournament and keep with the trophy as a great achievement in our sports history.seleccion chilenaargentina

Chile v/s Peru

After the match in which Chile won 1-0 against Uruguay, we moved on to the semi-finals. And yesterday, we knew that we are going to deal with Peru to move on again, but this time directly to the final of the American Cup.

I think this is a great step for Chile because we are dealing with great football players and it seems that we have a lot of possibilities of winning this tournament.

The only thing that we are specting to know now is which country are we going to play against in case we move on to the final. It could be Argentina, Colombia, Brazil or Venezuela.

Vidal’s accident

Everybody knows about the car accident starred by Arturo Vidal so I’m not going to inform you about that. But I will give my opinion about this notice.

I think it is inacceptable that the autorities didn’t punish him severely because he could have killed someone or himself.

In my opinion, he should be in jail and they shouldn’t allow him to play the American Cup.