7th Graders become Film Critics

This week Miss Marcela’s 7th grade students studied vocabulary related to the cinema. They practiced an impressive list of silver-screen vocabulary at Quizlet.com,  and then completed a worksheet comparing positive and negative reviews of films at RottenTomatoes.com. They practiced with comparative and superlative vocabulary, and finally got to get out their clipboards and be film critics themselves. We screened a popular short film from YouTube called “Post-it” and students shared their opinions and wrote their own reviews. Here are some of the most memorable:

I think the film is interesting and funny. It is a very creative film. It is happy and motivating because it’s beautiful to say different good things about some people, like “you are beautiful” or, “your t-shirt is nice.” This film is original and easy to understand.

-Antonia B.

The first part was boring, but the end was entertaining and funny. The soundtrack in the first part wasn’t very good but the music in the end was really good and made the movie funnier… I love it.

-Catalina H.

This film was 7 minutes of my life that I want to forget. It was so slow and didn’t have any action.

-Juan Pablo D.

For the resources used in this activity, click the links above, and download the worksheet below.

[easy_media_download url=”https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0By6M6W7TYmqhdkRRaDJPeTBZZVk” force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]

An updated worksheet with clearer (but slightly different instructions and tips for writing your own film review) is also available below!

[easy_media_download url=”https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0By6M6W7TYmqhNnpkZWcyNGFMTjQ” force_dl=”1″ color=”red_darker”]

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