Classic Panda Joke


A panda walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich. When he receives the check, he pulls out a gun, fires it several times, then walks out the door. A stunned patron then asks the waiter, “What was that all about?” The waiter responded, “That’s just the way pandas are,” and walked away. Well, the patron didn’t know what a panda was, so at home that night he looks up “panda” in the dictionary and what he finds explained everything: “Panda: A large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China; eats shoots and leaves.”

Shoots: verb- (from shoot) to fire a gun or other weapon; noun- the part of a plant that many animals eat

Leaves: verb (from leave)- to go away or exit a place; noun- the green, flat part of a plant attached to the stem that produces energy.