High Schoolers in Georgia Make an Inspired Choice for Homecoming King and Queen

NBC News reports that teenagers at a High School in Dunwoody, Georgia–in the Southern United States–showed that not every high school is full of bullies and exclusion. Watch the inspiring video below about this school’s project to include students with special needs, and the inspiring result.

“Homecoming” is an important tradition in American High Schools–it is a weekend in the Fall which features a football game, a formal dance for students, and of course, voting for a “Homecoming King and Queen.” Being chosen for this honor is something many students dream of, and if they win, will remember for the rest of their lives.

Inspiring: inspirador

Classic Panda Joke


A panda walks into a restaurant and orders a sandwich. When he receives the check, he pulls out a gun, fires it several times, then walks out the door. A stunned patron then asks the waiter, “What was that all about?” The waiter responded, “That’s just the way pandas are,” and walked away. Well, the patron didn’t know what a panda was, so at home that night he looks up “panda” in the dictionary and what he finds explained everything: “Panda: A large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China; eats shoots and leaves.”

Shoots: verb- (from shoot) to fire a gun or other weapon; noun- the part of a plant that many animals eat

Leaves: verb (from leave)- to go away or exit a place; noun- the green, flat part of a plant attached to the stem that produces energy.


Why is Hong Kong so Controversial?

This great video from NBC explains the history of Hong Kong and why the people of Hong Kong have a different political situation, and different expectations, than people in the rest of China. Can you understand why ideas about government are especially controversial in this place?

Controversial (n): something that causes arguments and disagreement

Genetic Scientisits Discover Secret behind Monarch Butterfly Migration

Every year, beautiful Monarch butterflies travel between Canada and central Mexico. However there are other Monarchs that do not migrate. A team of scientists from around the world, including the United State, China, and Australia, discovered that the secret that allows some monarchs to complete the long migration is 1 gene that makes their muscles more efficient.

Migrate: to move a long distance from one place to another.

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